Black on Black for Wedding Wednesday

When packing up the old hospital bag last week, I chatted with Mom about essentials. She recommended I throw in a cute, loose sweater so I won’t be stuck receiving family and friends in a breast milk-soaked nightie. Ah, moms are just the best. And then, she added the expected, “Honey — as for color…”

I cut her off with, “I’m thinking black.”

Just as she said, “Please don’t do black.” We laughed and then she went on to explain that I could use some brightening up. As only mothers can, Mom makes my need for teal cashmere seem like a good thing rather than a negative comment on the last two months I’ve spent vampirically indoors hiding from society in black leggings and a rotation of three black shirts. I’m so pale at this point that when purchasing my fall bottle of Lancome Teint Miracle yesterday, I had to downgrade not only numbers but whole categories of tone (from Buff 5 to Bisque 2).


Just expect to see me in this, all the time, on Instagram all fall and winter. Photo via Pinterest.

So, what’s the point in all my rambling? I’m still wearing black. Black on black on top of more black, with a heavy dose of black liner and the occasional black hair bow to boot. The plan isn’t changing for post-partum, and I don’t think it should. A sudden onset of colder weather paired with the lack of effort involved of comprising an all-black outfit has the hue calling my name daily. But as you embark on your wedding plans for this time next year, might I suggest you ignore my mom’s advice and take a walk with me on the dark side? There is something very glamorous that happens when the most classic of all colors, the non-color, shines its light on your special day.


Obviously, seeing your dude in a tux is about the sexiest thing that can happen, ever. I was so sad at 8 months preg when Joshy attended a wedding I was too pregnant to fly to — I just wanted to see him in his dapperest of duds! Consider putting the entire bridal party in black; traditional tuxedos for the groomsmen and short or floor-length black silk for the gals. Get ready for a major WOW.


These DIY tea towels from are so striking and whimsical. I like when an element of fun is added, especially with a palette than can read harsh otherwise. I throw these up here not to suggest that you get stamping and make tea towels for your favors (though that’s a lovely idea!) but more as general pattern inspiration — from table cloths to napkins to the backs of the programs, this is a good one to pin.


When in doubt, add gold. Or — PINK! I’m loving these black-dipped champagne bottles complete with funky straws and sparkly bows. Awesome touch for cocktail hour or to be passed around pre-ceremony to the bridal party. Also cute as favors for an end-of-the-evening nightcap. Photo courtesy of ThePerfectPalette.


Black doesn’t have to mean all-swank, no-rustic. Check out how this couple set their sleek, black and white sweets table against a wall with exposed brickface for some modern, rustic charm. Varying sized bud vases, a hand-written sign, and the heart cake topper all serve to infuse the black-and-white base palette with a punch of fun. And again, you see how the addition of gold and pink do wonders. But you can create just as striking a balance with bright yellow, soft blue, smoky silver, or any other accent color.


When my brother and Pookie served traditional French macarons at their wedding four years ago, it was totally groundbreaking. Now, they’re everywhere. Give yours an edge by ordering up custom flavors made in black and gray. This is one sweet treat that’s also undeniably chic.